Author Guidliness
- Manuscript accepted is written in standard English Language or Indonesian language
- The length of the manuscript is approximately 15 pages (or approximately 7000 words), written in Times New Roman 12, Envelope B5 paper format, margins: top 3; left 3,5 ; right 2; bottom 2,5 , one columns (except for abstract, figure or table whose size cannot be reduced due to its readability), justified, one and a half -spaced.
- Manuscript comprises five main headings:Pendahuluan(Introduction); Tinjauan Pustaka ( Literature Review );Metode(Method);Hasil dan Pembahasan(Findings and Discussion); Simpulan (Conclusions);Daftar Pustaka(References).
- The title of the manuscript must be as brief as possible and must represent the content of the manuscript.
- Authorsnames are written below the tittle, followed by authorsaffiliation (name of the affiliation, and e-mail address.
- The abstract is written in two languages: Indonesian and English or only in English if the full text is written in English, as a representation of the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 200 words for each language format, written narratively comprising aims/objectives, method, and findings of the research/article, in one paragraph..
- Keywords: words or phrases which are important, specific, or representative to the article.
- APA style is used as a reference in citation, references, and writing format.
- The references of the article are in the form of journals and non-journals which are published in the last 10 years.
- The manuscript should be written in the following
- The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word (.doc/ .docx or .rtf) , and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating account in this Open Journal System (OJS) [click�REGISTER�if you have not had any account yet; or click�LOG IN�if you have already had an account].
- All Author(s)' names and identity(es) must be completely embedded in the form filled in by the corresponding author: email; affiliation; and each author's short biography (in the column of 'Bio Statement').�[if the manuscript is written by two or more authors, please click 'Add Author' in the 3rd step of 'ENTER METADATA' in the submission process and then enter each author's data.]
- Authors' biography (in the column of Bio Statement) is written in the form of narration, including author's full name, place and date of birth, educational qualification/information started from bachelor degree (S-1) until the latest educational degree, the affiliation in which the author is currently working, phone number, and email address.
- All correspondences, information and decisions for the submitted manuscripts are conducted through email written in the manuscript and/or the emails used for the submission. The status of the manuscript can be checked in the OJS by logging into the journal.