Bagaimana Covid-19 Mengubah Struktur Perekonomian Kota Besar Di Pulau Jawa?


  • Teguh Warsito PKN STAN




 Pandemi Covid-19 memengaruhi aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat di semua sektor sehingga output ekonomi mengalami penurunan. Dampak ini dirasakan Indonesia baik di level nasional maupun regional, termasuk lima kota terbesar di Jawa: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya. Struktur perekonomian yang sudah dibentuk di kota-kota tersebut dapat bergeser karena dampak yang dirasakan setiap sektor berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perubahan struktur perekonomian di kota-kota tersebut akibat Covid-19. Analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menguraikan komponen pertumbuhan PDRB sebelum dan semasa pandemi Covid-19 untuk melihat ada tidaknya perubahan sektor basis, perubahan kecepatan pertumbuhan, perubahan sektor progresif, dan perubahan sektor krisis. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan walaupun setiap kota mempunyai perubahan struktur perekonomian yang berbeda namun mempunyai kesamaan tentang sektor mana yang terimbas paling parah akibat pandemi yaitu berubah menjadi lambat, tidak progresif, dan menjadi krisis semasa pandemi Covid-19. Sektor tersebut adalah penyediaan akomodasi dan makan minum, transportasi dan pergudangan, jasa lainnya, perdagangan besar dan eceran, konstruksi, serta jasa perusahaan. Pemerintah pusat dan daerah perlu mengimplementasikan berbagai strategi untuk memulihkan ketiga sektor tersebut melalui pemberian insentif; kepastian keamanan dan kenyamanan transportasi, akomodasi, tempat rekreasi, dan rumah makan; penguatan daya beli masyarakat; serta melanjutkan proyek konstruksi dan mempermudah pembiayannya.


Kata kunci: Covid-19, Pertumbuhan Kota, Struktur Perekonomian, Location Quotient, Shift Share



 The Covid-19 pandemic has affected economic activities in all sectors so that economic output has decreased. Indonesia has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at national and regional levels, including the five largest cities in Java: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. The economic structure of those cities could shift because the impact of Covid-19 on each sector is not at the same level. This study aims to find out how the economic structure of these cities has changed due to Covid-19. This study elaborates on the components of GRDP growth whether there are changes in the base sector, growth speed, progressive sector, and  crisis sector. This study concludes, although each city has different changes in the economic structure, they have in common about which sectors are most severely affected by the pandemic, namely changing slowly, not being progressive, and becoming a crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic. These sectors are accommodation and food and beverage, transportation and warehousing, other services activities, wholesale and retail trade, construction, as well as business activities. The central and local governments should implement various policies to restore the growth of those sectors by providing incentives; ensuring the safety and comfort of transportation, accommodation, recreation areas, and restaurants; strengthening people's purchasing power; as well as continuing construction projects and facilitating their financing.


Keywords: Covid-19, City Growth, Economic Structure, Location Quotient, Shift Share


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